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Meson Network and AWS Collaborate to Transform Web3 Infrastructure


Meson Network has officially announced its partnership with AWS, a development aimed at simplifying the process for companies and developers to launch the Meson Network. This collaboration will contribute to establishing reliable data center nodes for the Meson Network.

While many are familiar with Meson Network for providing a decentralized content delivery network (CDN) service for Web3 users over the past few years, this is just one aspect of Meson's broader Vector Plan. The Vector Plan's overarching goal is to create a Nasdaq-like platform for bandwidth infrastructure known as the Meson Exchange. This plan is aligned with Meson Network's objective of shifting from a closed, manually contract-driven market to one governed by protocol contributors and participants.

The challenges faced by Meson Network in the rapidly evolving bandwidth market are being addressed through the development of the Meson Exchange. These challenges include:

  • The need to aggregate long-tail, mid-sized, and edge suppliers.
  • Utilizing these suppliers to cater to the growing bandwidth demands of both Web2 and Web3.
  • Attracting larger suppliers and demands to join the network through the Meson Exchange.
  • Expanding the Meson model to address similar challenges in other infrastructure products.

The support provided by AWS to Meson Network plays a crucial role in bringing these goals closer to realization. Companies and developers can easily get started with Meson node deployment on AWS through the following options:

  • If you already have an AWS account, setting up the node takes approximately 5 minutes.
  • If you don't have an AWS account, you can begin with a free trial that includes $1,000 in credits. AWS offers support for startups to bring their innovative ideas to life through AWS Activate.

This deployment initiative aims to offer a user-friendly and reliable means for individuals to run a Meson node, with plans for validator support in the pipeline.

For builders eager to collaborate in shaping the future of Web3, you can find more information by visiting

About Meson Network

Meson Network is building the decentralized bandwidth marketplace for Web3, using a blockchain protocol model to replace the traditional labor-based sales models, consolidating and monetizing idle bandwidth from long-tail users at a low cost. Meson Network is the foundation of data transmission for decentralized storage, computation, and the emerging Web3 Dapp ecosystem.

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