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Meson Token Metrics & Economics


Token Details

Token Ticker: Meson

Initial Supply: 100,000,000 Meson

Token Distribution

  • Private Token Sale: 26,000,000 MSN (26%)
  • Public Token Sale: 5,000,000 MSN (5%)
  • Ecosystem: 27,000,000 MSN (27%)
  • Foundation Reservation: 20,000,000 MSN (20%)
  • Technical Team: 15,000,000 MSN (15%)
  • Partners: 6,000,000 MSN (6%)
  • Test-Net Mapping: 1,000,000 MSN (1%)

Token Unlock Plan

10% of the sold tokens in the Public Round are directly circulating.

Tokens reserved for the technical team and all related team members are fully locked initially and will be linearly unlocked monthly over 3 years starting from the [6th-x]month after the MainNet goes live. (x is determined by meson foundation)

Tokens reserved for Foundation, Partners, and Community are fully locked and will be linearly unlocked monthly over 3 years after the MainNet goes live. (If there is no vesting schedule or lock schedule predetermined then the starting point of the unlock shedule will be in the range of [3th year — x year] , x is determined by meson foundation)

Tokens sold in the Seed Round will be linearly unlocked monthly over 18 months after the MainNet goes live.

Tokens sold in the Private Round will be linearly unlocked monthly over 12 months after the MainNet goes live.

TestNet Tokens [All products together under meson e.g Meson3.0 ,GAGA, .etc] will be mapped to 1% of all the tokens on MainNet and are directly circulating after the MainNet goes live.

Token Functions

  1. Miners get Token rewards after joining the meson network and devoting their server resources.

  2. Miners can stake meson tokens to accelerate the mining efficiency.

  3. Clients use meson tokens to accelerate any internet media resource e.g file/images/video/streaming/website etc

  4. Anyone can use meson tokens for election and voting of on-chain governance/proposals/etc.

Total Token Inflation

All token inflation comes from mining rewards. The first-year mining inflation rate is 5%. The inflation rate drops 0.5% each year.

inflation rate vs time

Token Circulation

Miners will get meson tokens as a reward while providing an idle server to Miners will reach full mining speed only if they stack meson tokens accordingly. Clients send payments to while using meson service. All meson tokens can be exchanged at CEX or DEX.

Real Token Inflation


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